The most Alpine of the Drôme resorts !
At the foot of the Grand Ferrand with its 2,758 metres, Lus-la-Jarjatte is a family mountain resort that welcomes you to the heart of its forest of fir trees. It offers a wide range of activities for all tastes and all ages. Signposted trails let nature lovers admire the Jarjatte Valley (classified site), and the high Drôme summits.

Lus-la-Jarjatte, at the border between the Drôme and the Hautes-Alpes, is the most Alpine of the Drôme resorts.
It is an ideal resort for children, offering a convivial atmosphere at the heart of a classified site. It is also a paradise for beginner skiers and their families, with 6 downhill skiing runs with 5 drag lifts including 1 for the school. a cross-country skiing area with 22 km of prepared, signposted pistes. a ski-touring area with a number of itineraries between 1,100 and 2,750 metres. And the option of requesting the services of a high mountain guide. You can also find sledging slopes and an ice fall. Ski-Joering during the holiday periods.

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